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Please Note that the Gala has been Postponed.  Thank you for your interest and please look for more information to come.

Ever wanted to see inside the Federal Building? Now is your chance! Get dressed up and join us for “A Night of Inspiration” as we celebrate and fundraise for our Science Room Renovation.

Since 1872, Battle Creek Academy has been educating, inspiring, and preparing our young people for a world full of possibilities. Currently, 1 out of 4 Battle Creek Academy students choose a career in the medical field. To give our students the best classroom experience and give them the best opportunity to succeed in the science field, we are focusing on improving our science classrooms. From the newest technology to the latest experiments, the students will be ready and excited to move forward into a field with growing possibilities.

We promise a night full of amazing music, from a string quartet to our very own BCA swing band. You will be filled with an amazing, Kellogg approved, Mediterranean Asian Fusion cuisine. If you are not aware of the history, we will have our extremely knowledgeable tour guides ready to fill you in on the entire history of the Sanitarium. Don’t forget to bring your checkbooks, as we will have a silent auction and grab bags for you to bid on.

Invite your family and friends for a night to remember in the Battle Creek Sanitarium![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Enjoy some photos of the Federal Building “Kellogg Sanitarium” 

74 North Washington Avenue
Battle Creek, MI 49037

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