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Uniform & Dress Code

Battle Creek Academy has adopted a school uniform dress code.  Lands’ End is the preferred provider of the BCA uniform.  Parents may obtain items from other uniform suppliers or school uniform sections at stores such as Target, Kohl’s or Wal-Mart.  Items must be from school uniform sections and not just khakis or slacks.  You can see available options at using school code 900155961.

Items purchased at other locations must match in color and style with the Lands’ End offerings.  Sample items are available at the BCA office for color comparison.  Please note that it is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that all items are of the proper fit, color and style.  All shirts must be embroidered with the BCA logo.  For items purchased elsewhere, embroidery can be done locally at Adam’s Shirt Shack at 100 Beadle Lake Rd, Battle Creek, MI 49014.

All items should fit appropriately without being too tight or excessively baggy. Skirts should come the knee when seated and standing.  Clothing should be clean, not too wrinkly and free of tears and major stains. Button up shirts must be tucked in and buttoned to the next to the top button. Embroidered sweaters must be worn with a collared shirt.  Coats, jackets, non-uniform sweaters, hoodies, are not to be worn in the classrooms or hallways.  (Teachers are authorized to allow them if the classroom is particularly cold.)  Seniors may design a class hoodie that may be worn over their uniforms.

Shoes must provide adequate protection to the feet and must not come off too easily.  Sandals must have a strap around the back and cannot have foam or similar soles.  Flip-flops, Crocs and other shoes of this type are not to be worn on campus or at school events.  Shoes must be worn at all times. For safety, clothing or shoelaces may not drag on the floor.

Hats, caps, bandanas or other types of head coverings are not to be worn in the building.  Nor should students have visible tattoos.  In addition, students are not to wear jewelry (excluding watches and medical bracelets), excessive make-up, bright lip color, or colored nail polish.  Hair should not obstruct vision and should not be of a radical/sub-culture color or style.

Decisions concerning dress will be left to the discretion of the staff. Any items taken from students will be turned in to the Principal’s office. For the first offense, these items will be returned to the student after school.  Any subsequent items taken will be returned only to the parents.  Students who refuse to cooperate are subject to disciplinary action.

Students are expected to adhere to the school policy as written or specified for all school events, including band concerts, picnics, banquets, field trips, class trips, etc. Repeated disregard for the dress policy could result in suspension from school.  Banquets offer special opportunities for a more formal setting.  Ladies banquet attire must be pre-approved by Administrator designees.